
PUBG: Update 6.2 nun endlich für Konsolen Spieler verfügbar

Seit geraumer Zeit testen die PUBG Entwickler an dem nächsten großen Update für Konsolen Spieler auf der Xbox One und Playstation 4. Immer wieder wurde das Datum aber herausgezögert, da es Probleme mit dem Crossplay-Feature gab. Wie die Entwickler nun mitteilten, sind die Probleme gelöst und das Update ist nun endlich für alle Playstation 4 und alle Xbox One Spieler verfügbar. Im groben wurden durch das Update das Cross Party Play eingeführt, der Team Deathmatch Spielmodus verfügbar gemacht, die Granate auf ein neues Balancing Modell angepasst und der Loot auf der Karte Karakin angepasst.

Was sich konkret mit dem neuen Update auf eurer Plattform ändert, erfahrt ihr nachfolgend in den Changenotes zum Update.

Cross Party Play

Party like never before! Players on Console will now be able to invite each other into a single party with the new Cross Party Play feature!

Friends list has received a makeover:

  • Players can now search players from both the same and different platform to add friends
  • Players now can find 4 tabs on the friends list.
    • Platform: This shows your existing friends list for your current platform. Players you add to your platform specific friends list using their Xbox Live Gamer Tag (Xbox) or PSN Name (PS4) will show here.

  • PUBG: This is the new friends list which will help you organise your friends across platforms using Cross Platform Parties! Players can add friends by selecting “follow” when looking at another player’s profile.

  • Recent: This shows players you’ve met as a team in recent matches.

  • Team: Shows your current teammates

Players from both console platforms will now be able to join the same custom match created.

Dev Note: We’ve made some changes to the way voice chat works on Xbox to allow players on all console platforms to communicate when in a Cross Platform Party.
– When joining a team in a Custom Match lobby you will no longer be able to communicate with voice until the match begins.

Team Deathmatch

The long-requested Team Deathmatch mode has now arrived! Intense 8v8 FPP fights on 7 different battlefields pulled from your favorite maps. TDM features classic PUBG gunplay and mechanics with all the fun and action of respawning back into the fight. The boost gauge functions differently in TDM and fills by scoring kills and assists, restoring your health after you haven’t received damage for 5 seconds.

The team with the most kills in 10 minutes, or the first to reach 50 kills wins the round, with 2 round wins securing the match victory.

Game mode overview:

  • 8 vs 8
  • FPP only
  • Weapon Spawn Kits
  • Respawns
  • No knockdowns
  • No friendly fire

Read more details on the introduction of Team Deathmatch here. Jump into TDM through the new Arcade section of the menu.


Grenade Changes

  • Frag Grenades:
    • Vests now mitigate damage received from Frag Grenades, but vest durability isn’t reduced when taking damage from Frags.
      • Damage mitigation amount is dependent on the level of vest worn by the player, with the same % reduction as for bullet damage.
    • Frags will deal 20% less damage to prone players.
    • Item weight increased by 50%.
      • Each Frag Grenade now takes 27 inventory capacity, up from 18.
    • Pulling the pin of a Frag is now louder and audible from further away.
  • Smoke Grenades:
    • Decreased fuse time from 3 seconds to 1 second.
  • Stun Grenades:
    • Increased indirect hit effect radius.
      • Up to 6.5m, from 5.5m.
    • Ringing sound now impacts players through walls
      • This matches the Frag Grenade mechanic, although the impact effects a smaller radius.
    • Added slight camera shake to players near the explosion.
    • Default fuse time mechanic:
      • Stuns now explode 0.7 sec after first impact, or after fuse timer runs out, whichever comes first.
      • Fuse time without cooking has been increased to 5 sec.
        • 2.5 second fuse timer when cooking the stun remains unchanged,
  • Molotov Cocktail:
    • Increased the speed at which fire spreads by 50%.
    • Fire can now spread slightly further, with an increased damage radius.
    • Changed the way fire spreads around objects. Fire will now more consistently reach the back side of objects (especially thin objects like trees).
    • Re-introduced direct damage while standing in fire, in additional to existing damage over time.
      • Players in fire will now take an additional 10 damage per second
    • Fire now reaches higher and should be obstructed less by small objects.

Frag and Stun Grade visual effects have also been updated, alongside a more realistic Frag Grenade sound.

Karakin item spawn update

A few weeks ago, we implemented a loot adjustment for Karakin based on player feedback. Since then we’ve been monitoring games to determine if any further adjustment needs to be made and a couple things have stood out to us. First, healing items are still a bit too hard to find for how frequently people are fighting. Second, Snipers and DMRs are really strong on Karakin.

We’re going to try an updated loot setting that will increase meds, while reducing bandages, SRs, DMRs, and the Win94. We know many of you prefer these guns on Karakin, but we feel that Karakin needs a little more risk for the reward of these weapons. To help mitigate this adjustment a bit, we’re adding the G36C and MP5K to Karakin as requested by many of you when Vikendi started its vacation. Also, we have adjusted the care package airplane speed to move faster across the island.

Of course, your feedback is essential here. Try out the new settings and let us know how everything feels. Is it worth it for you to spend more time searching to get that SLR? Do matches feel more competitive without as many long range weapons? Let us know so we can continue to adjust!

Right Peeking/Leaning

Historically, when moving to the right around objects in PUBG (without peeking/leaning), much less of your character was shown than if you moved out to the left. This recently received increased visibility in the community, leading to players using this mechanic to their advantage more often, which has led to some frustration.

This mechanic is closely tied to the fundamental design of the PUBG gunplay system, making it difficult to resolve the issue completely without potential adverse changes to the feel of PUBG gunplay.

With that said, as we announced earlier this month in response to community concern, we’ll be making a change in this patch to reduce the advantage gained when peering at your opponent from the right side of objects, by exposing more of the player model.

  • Players viewing their opponent from the right side of objects will now have more of their body exposed
    • Player’s head will lean slightly more towards the scope when ADS, so that character’s head is more exposed
    • Made adjustments to some weapons to have characters body be more exposed when peering to the right of objects

We will continue to monitor community feedback regarding this change.

Way Point feature

  • The Way Point feature has been added to allow you to make strategic plans for the routes you take.
  • You can use the feature only when activating the waypoint mode by pressing (LB: Xbox One / L1: PS4) while the map is open
  • Press (R-Stick: Xbox One / R3: PS4) to mark Way Points on the map.
  • You can place up to 4 points per group of Way Points.
  • Press (Y: Xbox One / Triangle: PS4) to remove placed Way Points. When you place a new starting point somewhere else, the existing Way Points will all disappear.
  • In Duo/Squad Mode, when a teammate places Way Points, they will appear on the map with a Radio Message.

Updated Blue Zone Effects

Adjusted the Blue Zone effects

  • Distortion effect has been removed
  • Altered effect where the Blue Zone meets the ground, to more clearly identify the Blue Zone edge
  • Lowered the top wall of the Blue Zone
  • Updated visual shaders
  • Effects will become more intense as phases progress
  • Changed sounds for entering and exiting the Blue Zone

Parachute ‘Follow’

Added parachute follow feature to help teammates land together

  • During the pre-match countdown or before leaving the plane, follow UI will be shown at the bottom left of the screen.
  • Hold left on D-Pad to activate follow UI
    • Follow button will be highlighted once follow UI is activated
  • Scroll up/down with D-Pad to choose a teammate to follow
    • Teammates that already landed or yourself cannot be chosen
  • After selecting a teammate to follow, you can cancel by selecting the follow button on the selected teammate, or holding (B: Xbox One / O: PS4) while actively following a player in your parachute.
  • If you’re obstructed by terrain or an object, your follow will be cancelled.

PUBG LABS / Skill Based Rating Test

LABS: Skill Based Rating – Second Test

A big thank you to all the players who checked out PUBG Labs and took part in the first test earlier this year! We’ve poured through all your feedback and other data from the test and have made the following changes:

  • Players will need to complete 5 placement matches to earn a rank in the new test.
    • The highest initial placement rank is Platinum 4 (2,600RP).
  • The overall algorithm used has been tuned based on data and feedback from the first test.
  • Assists now influence your rating.
    • Assists are considered to be the same value as Kills for the purpose of RP gains and losses.
  • Any kills resulting from friendly fire will count as negative kills
  • The maximum amount of RP that can be gained or lost after a match is now dynamic per tier, with lower tiers having a larger cap than higher tiers.
  • The expected performance of players in the Master tier will now increase at every 100 RP above 3500, making it much more difficult to climb in Master tier the higher a player rises
  • The highest RP a player can reach is now 5,000.

Test Duration (live server):

  • Start: (patch time)
    • PDT: March 10, 2020 @ 4:00 AM
    • CET: March 10, 2020 @ 12:00 PM
  • End:
    • PDT: April 1, 2020 @ 12:00 PM
    • CET: April 1, 2020 @ 8:00 PM
  • Survey Duration:
    • The feedback survey will be live for 1 week after the test is over for players to leave feedback on their experience.
      • Start:
        • PDT: March 25, 2020 @ 12:00 PM
        • CET: March 25, 2020 @ 8:00 PM
      • End:
        • PDT: April 1, 2020 @ 12:00 PM
        • CET: April 1, 2020 @ 8:00 PM


Dev Note: When we introduced Karakin in Update 6.1 we mentioned that we would monitor the impact that adding the Featured Map queue would have on matchmaking times. Unfortunately we found that the addition of the Featured Map queue has negatively impacted matchmaking times, and as a result we will be removing the Featured Map queue and moving Karakin into the Random Map queue.


  • Key guide text displayed on the starting island has been modified
    • It will be displayed in nouns just like other options which have no direct effect on the game play (Map, Mission List, Inventory etc.)
  • Added brightness adjustment for Karakin.
  • Xbox players can now leave the squad in the lobby without going into friend tab.
  • News&Banner UI will show dots at the bottom to indicate how many banners are registered.
  • Terms of Service and Privacy Policy will be separated on PS4 and added on Xbox One.


  • Performance has been improved with additional WorldOriginShift optimizations.

Dev Note: We wanted to take this time to address the crashing issues that some of our players have been experiencing. During our investigation, we found that unnecessary memory was being used. We have optimized in this area and applied these improvements for Update 6.2 which should alleviate crashing. Memory optimization is a top priority which will be continuously worked on as we aim to improve overall gameplay experience for our players. We appreciate all of your feedback and reports. Please continue to let us know if you experience further crashing.

Custom Match

  • Erangel classic has been deleted


  • PGC 2019 champions and new contents have been added to the hall of fame, Erangel.
    • Picture of PGC 2019 champions, Gen.G and 2019 PGC panorama has been added
    • PGI key art insignia/banner has been deleted. Gen.G insignia/banner has been added on different location
    • Added posters of global events (PAI, PNC, PGC) run by PUBG in 2019
    • PGI 2018 FPP champion, OMG’s graffiti has been removed and replaced with 2019 champ, Gen.G
    • PGI 2018(OMG, Gen.G gold), PGC 2019 Champion’s (Gen.G) uniform has been added
    • The names of champions on the molding has been deleted
    • PGC 2019 trophy has been added

Bug Fixes


  • After certain steps, the breath gauge recovers instantly when a character comes out of the water
  • Loot boxes block the explosion of grenades
  • Issue with care package cannot provide cover from grenade explosion
  • Headshot blood effects block vision in FPP
  • When you press the hot key to consume a healing/boost item, several times in row, at the same time you pick it up, the item is consumed without seeing its proper animation


  • Edges of some objects become transparent when close to the blue zone
  • Overall bug fixes on Erangel and Karakin

Skin & Item

  • When a female character wearing Rapture Squad Gloves with tattoo sleeve, wrist looks transparent
  • Visual issue with character model’s arm when wearing the Tenebres Combat Vest


  • Occasionally in replay, the mini-map won’t display certain players
  • In replay mode, grid lines of world and mini maps are displayed based off of 8×8 maps


  • The explosion SFX for the Sticky Bomb is louder than intended

Known Issues

  • There’s an issue where the bluezone size does not sync with the actual bluezone size in the match when the bluezone is decreasing while viewing deathcam. This issue will be fixed when the patch goes up on the live servers.
  • Temporarily disabled equipping certain skins as we work to resolve related crashes:
    • Tenebres Combat Vest
    • Long Sleeved Turtleneck (Black)
    • Combat Gloves (Khaki)
    • Badlands Gold Trim Boots
    • Desert Flower Boots
    • Marksman Combat Pants

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